Change fill colour of SVG

You can change the fill colour of an SVG

<path fill="white"/>

<svg xmlns="" class="ionicon" width="23" height="23" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><title>People Circle</title><path fill="white" d="M256 464c-114.69 0-208-93.31-208-208S141.31 48 256 48s208 93.31 208 208-93.31 208-208 208zm0-384c-97 0-176 79-176 176s79 176 176 176 176-78.95 176-176S353.05 80 256 80z"/><path fill="white" d="M323.67 292c-17.4 0-34.21-7.72-47.34-21.73a83.76 83.76 0 01-22-51.32c-1.47-20.7 4.88-39.75 17.88-53.62S303.38 144 323.67 144c20.14 0 38.37 7.62 51.33 21.46s19.47 33 18 53.51a84 84 0 01-22 51.3C357.86 284.28 341.06 292 323.67 292zm55.81-74zM163.82 295.36c-29.76 0-55.93-27.51-58.33-61.33-1.23-17.32 4.15-33.33 15.17-45.08s26.22-18 43.15-18 32.12 6.44 43.07 18.14 16.5 27.82 15.25 45c-2.44 33.77-28.6 61.27-58.31 61.27zM420.37 355.28c-1.59-4.7-5.46-9.71-13.22-14.46-23.46-14.33-52.32-21.91-83.48-21.91-30.57 0-60.23 7.9-83.53 22.25-26.25 16.17-43.89 39.75-51 68.18-1.68 6.69-4.13 19.14-1.51 26.11a192.18 192.18 0 00232.75-80.17zM163.63 401.37c7.07-28.21 22.12-51.73 45.47-70.75a8 8 0 00-2.59-13.77c-12-3.83-25.7-5.88-42.69-5.88-23.82 0-49.11 6.45-68.14 18.17-5.4 3.33-10.7 4.61-14.78 5.75a192.84 192.84 0 0077.78 86.64l1.79-.14a102.82 102.82 0 013.16-20.02z"/></svg>


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